Here we go…

A dear friend of mine has been in the teacher blogging/TPT world for more than a year now and she’s been encouraging me to come along. My first excuse was “I’m not technologically savvy enough.” My second excuse was “I don’t have enough time.” My third excuse was “I’m not sure I have anything to say, especially anything that people would want to read.”

Finally, I’m out of excuses. And here I am.

I’m a kinder teacher in Colorado. It’s my first year in kindergarten, but my sixth year teaching. I spent two years in first-grade, looped with a class to second-grade, spent three years in second-grade — specializing in reading and writing for two of those years — and have now come to kindergarten. I’m always looking to do what’s best for kids.

Outside of teaching, I like to try to stay healthy. I try to eat paleo/Whole 30 type food and I love to run. I started to run about the same time I started to teach, thanks to the same teacher blogger friend I mentioned earlier. First, it was 5ks. Then I did a half-marathon relay. And I said I would never run 13 miles by myself. Oops. I’ve done 9 half-marathons now and have made 2016 the year of the marathon. Portland, Oregon. October. I’m nervous. And excited.

One last note about the name of the blog… I don’t actually have a desk in my classroom, but if I did…it would be messy. That’s me. I try to change. I make goals to be more organized. I get one or two sections of my room under control and then…it’s messy again. My kids forgive me. I’ll keep working on it. That’s what good teachers do… we keep working to get better, to do what’s best for the students in front of us.

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