A Z to A countdown

The end of the year is upon us; my calendar is becoming packed full with Talent Show, Field Day, a field trip, end of year testing and more. But I’m super excited to be planning my Z to A countdown.

I did Alphabet Boot Camp (thanks to The Kindergarten Smorgasboard at http://www.thekindergartensmorgasboard.com) and my kids rocked letters A to Z for 26 straight days. So, when I saw several posts on ABC countdowns, I knew I wanted to try it. So, I sat down tonight to plan it out. Yikes! It will start next Wednesday. It’s not complete;  I’m going to run it by the reading interventionist who is housed in my room and has really awesome ideas. I’ll put the final touches on it and post it soon. I can’t wait. I think it will be a great way to solidify some ABC skills for some students and have some fun and memorable moments for all us.

On the penultimate day of school, when we celebrate Letter A, I think I’m going to pull out the alligator hats we made the first day of Boot Camp (thanks to Jennifer at www.simplykinder.com) and see how quickly they students put them together. In the fall, those hats took forever it seemed. It will be nice to see just how far we’ve all come!

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